Employee story

From Kinesiology
to Brokerage

Employee story: Diego Hernandez

October 10, 2023

Meet Diego Hernandez, a true maverick who defied expectations on his path to commercial real estate.

With a degree in Kinesiology from San Diego State University, Diego's professional journey took an unforeseen turn thanks to a crucial connection. Through his father's landscaping business, he crossed paths with the CEO of a prominent Biotech company who became a client. Little did Diego know that this connection would open the doors to a whole new world.

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Enter SD2, an organization dedicated to diversifying STEM fields. As JLL was a proud supporter of SD2, Diego found himself in the right place at the right time, forging another invaluable connection with JLL.

Reflecting on his unconventional route, Diego says, “The highlight of my career is landing this position and showing kids like me who are first generation with no connections in the industry, that it's possible. It takes hard work and developing skills that will bring value to the marketplace. And a little bit of faith.”

His interview included meeting Executive Managing Director, Chad Urie, who saw the drive and potential that Hernandez possessed. Despite lacking a real estate background, it was crystal clear that Diego was ready to take on a new challenge while positively impacting the southern California market.

“From thinking my career path was heading towards managing my father's landscaping business, Chad really re-directed my career,” beams Hernandez.

Today, Diego continues to expand his portfolio of business, with unwavering support from a remarkable team. In closing, he says, “I never would have thought I’d end up in commercial real estate and am extremely grateful for this opportunity.”

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