
What the SEC’s climate rule could mean for office portfolios

Sustainability regulations are coming and companies that act now could hold an advantage in the market

With so many questions surrounding sustainability reporting, the proposed SEC climate disclosure rule’s focus on consistency and transparency is something many companies can get behind. Still, based on the number of concerns voiced during the rule’s most recent comment period, some are questioning what they call “unrealistic” reporting requirements.

No matter what form the final rule takes and regardless of your company’s current carbon reduction strategy, greater oversight is coming in the not-so-distant future. There are strong indicators that market forces are already acting faster than the U.S. regulatory process. That means companies and investors that forge ahead with their sustainability plans, even before the rules go into effect, could be best positioned to avoid future financial risks.

In this 10-minute conversation, Cynthia Curtis, JLL’s Americas SVP and Corporate Sustainability Officer, and Greg Bolino, Global Head of Sustainability and Assets, shed light on JLL’s concerns with the current version of the proposed rule. They also share what they’re hearing in terms of when the rule will be clarified and when compliance could be required.

Looking for more insight into sustainability planning, and specific ideas on how to jump-start your carbon reduction efforts? Download The Real Estate Leader’s Guide to Decarbonizing Your Portfolio. And for a road map on how to work with those inside and outside your organization to baseline and implement your decarbonization strategies, check out JLL’s latest guide, Rethink Doing Sustainability Alone.