Jim Johns, MAI, AI-GRS, MBA

Jim Johns, MAI, AI-GRS, MBA

Senior Vice President

Current responsibilities 

Mr. Johns serves as Senior Vice President for JLL Value and Risk Advisory in the United States. Based in the Tampa Bay region, Jim is focused on the appraisal review process that seeks to achieve high-quality JLL report standards for compliance with USPAP, FIRREA, state regulations, and client protocols

In addition, Jim works collaboratively with the JLL U.S. Value and Risk Advisory Leadership Team to review specific valuation reports in multiple regions and a variety of property types across the platform. These reviews aim to achieve consistent high-quality reports for our clients and intended users of the reports.

The Appraisal Institute has also recognized Jim’s expertise and has identified him as an improved instructor of the General Review Theory course required for the AI-GRS designation.


Prior to joining JLL, Mr. Johns focused on commercial real estate appraisal reviews in the banking sector for eight years (KeyBank and Citizens Bank). The valuations included a diverse set of property types: industrial and logistics; retail; office; multifamily; healthcare; hospitality; restaurants; and special use properties. Jim took the lead position to fine-tune the affordable housing appraisal reviews and report ordering to ensure assignments met or exceeded FNMA and Freddie Mac guidelines and standards. He also periodically collaborated in a team lead position for portfolio valuations across a variety of property types and multiple states.

In the banking sector, Mr. Johns worked with senior staff to provide high-quality service to internal and external clients that included: investors; property owners; legal counsel; regional team leaders; regional managers; business developers; collateralized mortgage back security investors; institutional clients; small businesses; relationship managers; and portfolio managers.

In addition to banking experience, Jim Johns was the principal owner of a fee appraisal firm for 10 years that served financial institutions and local developers in Columbus, Ohio. The firm completed hundreds of valuation assignments for a variety of property types. As part of the valuation process, Jim developed a commercial property database that grew to 6,000 properties for comparable sales and income properties used in appraisal assignments. The database is linked to MS Word to help streamline report writing.

In an ongoing effort to provide better reports, services, and educational contributions, Jim has developed technical software knowledge utilizing: Argus (discounted cash flow modeling; MS Access database; MS Excel; MS Word to prepare a variety of executive summaries and written reports; and MS PowerPoint for education/training presentations.

From a community service perspective, Jim worked as an Adjunct Professor at Columbus State (third largest college in Ohio) teaching real estate finance concepts, analysis methodology, and reporting for commercial and residential real estate courses. This was a part-time position that provided an opportunity from a community service perspective as a way to “give back” and “pay it forward”.


  • The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business.
  • MBA with a concentration in finance and real estate.
  • Bachelor of Science with a dual concentration in marketing and city/regional planning. 


  • The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business. Alumni Advisory Board (8 years)

Certified General Real Estate Appraiser:

  • Florida