
Engineer leads team through challenging times

Tyrone Lesane, Senior Chief Engineer, puts people first

Originally from South Carolina, Tyrone Lesane now considers Atlanta home. With 20 years of experience under his belt, Tyrone has been able to hone his leadership and mentorship skills as a Senior Chief Engineer. He recalls his regional engineering manager, Stacy Shirley, saying, “Whatever you want to do, however far you want to go, I am here to help you get there.” He makes sure his team knows that he’s here to help them do the same and wants to see his team grow together and individually. This was especially evident over the past year.

2020 proved to be a year of unexpected change and challenge for Tyrone and his team. Tenant relationships shifted as the pandemic had everyone working from home and every day brought new obstacles to overcome.

Tyrone describes the year as undoubtedly “rocky,” with his biggest hurdle being to keep his team’s morale up when they suffered unimaginable loss – An engineer on the team tragically passed away from COVID-19; and another engineer on the team lost 11 family members to the pandemic. Tyrone drastically adjusted his focus from developing and mentoring the professional career paths of his team to also support them in a mental and emotional capacity on a personal level as well.

Tyrone immediately understood the dire need for his team to prioritize their mental health and families. A true leader, he started learning more about his team’s personal lives and families and established himself as a go-to person during a tough situation. He made sure his team knew that their well-being was more important than anything at work and went above and beyond to show appreciation to his team with frequent team lunches and incentives.

Tyrone Lesane and his family.

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Now with the tenants back in many buildings, Tyrone is glad that the energy has returned and he makes a conscious effort to enjoy getting to know the tenants not just as tenants, but as people on a personal level with hobbies, families and kids in school.

Tyrone’s advice to those looking to get into engineering is to see every situation as a chance to learn something new and practice positivity. “There is so much power in keeping your mind open and treating all experiences as learning experiences,” he shares.

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